RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living
RC Excavator - SM Everyday Living

RC Excavator

$87.00 $0.00 /
Sold Out

Nothing beats playing in the sand - feeling the warmth of the sun-drenched crystals as they slide between your fingers, clutching on to them as they slip away from your grip. But what if you could collect that sand, and drive it across the beach, taking playtime to the next level?

Our remote-controlled excavators offer an incredibly realistic experience, with a large capacity excavator arm, a premium die-cast exterior and 11-channel remote functionality. With this large number of channels, our remote-control excavators operate with many unique functions, including full, 360-degree movement of the vehicle and arms, impressive light effects and a realistic driving cab feature, among others.

This powerful RC excavator holds a USB-rechargeable battery, allowing over 20 minutes of play-time, to the massive distance of over 25 metres. The arm can scoop up a huge 100 grams of sand, making it the perfect companion to your child's playtime adventures. 

Roll on to your next big adventure with our remote-controlled excavator.

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